Source code for mico.mico

This module contains a scikit-learn compatible implementation of mutual information based feature selection methods.

from scipy import signal
from sklearn.utils import check_X_y
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from psutil import cpu_count
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator
from sklearn.feature_selection.base import SelectorMixin
import bottleneck as bn
from . import mico_utils
#from sklearn.feature_selection import VarianceThreshold
from scipy import sparse, stats
from scipy.stats import rankdata
import copy
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import math

DEBUG = False

# IO                                                                          #
import errno, os, logging

def setup_logging(level, filename=None):
    logging.basicConfig(filename=filename, format='%(message)s', level=level)
    # logging.basicConfig(filename=filename, format='[%(asctime)s] %(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S %p', level=level)

def append_message(full_msg, curr_msg, check=True, new_line=True):
    if check:
        return (full_msg + (curr_msg + "\n" if new_line else curr_msg)) if curr_msg not in full_msg else full_msg
        return full_msg + (curr_msg + "\n" if new_line else curr_msg)

def make_dir(path):
    """Private function for creating the output directory.
        os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)  # Python>3.2
    except TypeError:
        except OSError as exc:  # Python >2.5
            if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(path):
                raise FileNotFoundError("Failed to make directory")

# Time stamp                                                                  #
from time import gmtime, strftime

def get_time_stamp():
    return strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S", gmtime())

# MI.                                                                         #
import numpy as np
#from sklearn.externals.joblib import Parallel, delayed
from joblib import Parallel, delayed

def _replace_vec_nan_with_zero(vec):
    for i, e in enumerate(vec):
        if np.isnan(e):
            vec[i] = 0.0
    return vec

def _replace_mat_nan_with_zero(mat):
    for i in range(mat.shape[0]):
        for j in range(mat.shape[1]):
            if np.isnan(mat[i][j]):
                mat[i][j] = 0.0

    return mat

def _clean_up_MI(MI, use_nan_for_invalid_mi):
    if MI == np.inf:
        MI = 999999.0
    if MI >= 0:
        return MI
        return np.nan if use_nan_for_invalid_mi else 0.0

def get_first_mi_vector(MI_FS, k, are_data_binned, n_jobs=1):
    Calculates the Mututal Information between each feature in X and y.

    This function is for when |S| = 0. We select the first feature in S.
    n, p = MI_FS.X.shape
    if n_jobs <= 1:
        MIs = [_get_first_mi(i, k, MI_FS, are_data_binned) for i in range(p)]
        MIs = Parallel(n_jobs=MI_FS.n_jobs)(delayed(_get_first_mi)(i, k, MI_FS, are_data_binned) for i in range(p))
    return MIs

def _get_first_mi(i, k, MI_FS, are_data_binned, use_nan_for_invalid_mi=True):
    n, p = MI_FS.X.shape
    x = MI_FS.X[:, i].reshape(n, 1)
    y = MI_FS.y.reshape(n, 1)
    #y = MI_FS.y.flatten().reshape(n, 1)

    if are_data_binned:
        if MI_FS.categorical:
            MI = mico_utils.get_mutual_information_dd(x, y)
            MI = mico_utils.get_mutual_information_cd(y, x, k)
        if MI_FS.categorical:
            MI = mico_utils.get_mutual_information_cd(x, y, k)
            MI = mico_utils.get_mutual_information_cc(x, y, k)

    # MI must be non-negative
    return _clean_up_MI(MI, use_nan_for_invalid_mi)

def get_mi_vector(MI_FS, k, F, s, are_data_binned, n_jobs=1):
    Calculates the Mututal Information between each feature in F and s.

    This function is for when |S| > 1. s is the previously selected feature.
    We exploit the fact that this step is embarrassingly parallel.
    if n_jobs <= 1:
        MIs = [_get_mi(f, s, k, MI_FS, are_data_binned) for f in F]
        MIs = Parallel(n_jobs=MI_FS.n_jobs)(delayed(_get_mi)(f, s, k, MI_FS, are_data_binned) for f in F)
    return MIs

def _get_mi(f, s, k, MI_FS, are_data_binned, use_nan_for_invalid_mi=True):
    A Semidefinite Programming Based Search Strategy for Feature Selection with Mutual Information Measure
    Tofigh Naghibi , Sarah Hoffmann and Beat Pfister
    Section 2.3.1.

    :param f:
    :param s:
    :param MI_FS:
    :param are_data_binned:
    n, p = MI_FS.X.shape
    if MI_FS.method in ['JMI', 'JMIM']:
        # JMI & JMIM
        if s != f:
            # Off-diagonal.
            y = MI_FS.y.reshape(n, 1)
            #y = MI_FS.y.flatten().reshape(n, 1)
            joint = MI_FS.X[:, (s, f)]
            if are_data_binned:
                # Encoding.
                joint = mico_utils.encode_discrete_x(joint).reshape(n, 1)
                if MI_FS.categorical:
                    MI = mico_utils.get_mutual_information_dd(joint, y)
                    MI = mico_utils.get_mutual_information_cd(y, joint, k)
                if MI_FS.categorical:
                    MI = mico_utils.get_mutual_information_cd(joint, y, k)
                    MI = mico_utils.get_mutual_information_cc(joint, y, k)
            # Diagonal.
            x = MI_FS.X[:, f].reshape(n, 1)
            y = MI_FS.y.reshape(n, 1)
            #y = MI_FS.y.flatten().reshape(n)
            if are_data_binned:
                if MI_FS.categorical:
                    MI = mico_utils.get_mutual_information_dd(x, y)
                    MI = mico_utils.get_mutual_information_cd(y, x, k)
                if MI_FS.categorical:
                    MI = mico_utils.get_mutual_information_cd(x, y, k)
                    MI = mico_utils.get_mutual_information_cc(x, y, k)
        # MRMR
        if s != f:
            # Off-diagonal-- Did not use any information from y here.
            x1 = MI_FS.X[:, f].reshape(n, 1)
            x2 = MI_FS.X[:, s].reshape(n, 1)
            if are_data_binned:
                MI = mico_utils.get_mutual_information_dd(x1, x2)
                MI = mico_utils.get_mutual_information_cc(x1, x2, k)
            # Diagonal-- Did use information from y here.
            x = MI_FS.X[:, f].reshape(n, 1)
            y = MI_FS.y.reshape(n, 1)
            #y = MI_FS.y.flatten().reshape(n)
            if are_data_binned:
                if MI_FS.categorical:
                    MI = mico_utils.get_mutual_information_dd(x, y)
                    MI = mico_utils.get_mutual_information_cd(y, x, k)
                if MI_FS.categorical:
                    MI = mico_utils.get_mutual_information_cd(x, y, k)
                    MI = mico_utils.get_mutual_information_cc(x, y, k)

    # MI must be non-negative
    return _clean_up_MI(MI, use_nan_for_invalid_mi)

def get_mico_vector(MI_FS, k, F, s, offdiagonal_param, are_data_binned, Nx=None, n_jobs=1):
    Calculates the Mututal Information between each feature in F and s.

    This function is for when |S| > 1. s is the previously selected feature.
    We exploit the fact that this step is embarrassingly parallel.
    #print("Start {}".format(s))
    if n_jobs <= 1:
        MIs = [_get_mico(f, s, k, MI_FS, offdiagonal_param, are_data_binned, Nx=Nx) for f in F]
        MIs = Parallel(n_jobs=MI_FS.n_jobs)(delayed(_get_mico)(f, s, k, MI_FS, offdiagonal_param, are_data_binned, Nx=Nx) for f in F)
    #print("Done {}".format(s))
    return MIs

def _get_mico(f, s, k, MI_FS, offdiagonal_param, are_data_binned, use_nan_for_invalid_mi=False, Nx=None):
    A Semidefinite Programming Based Search Strategy for Feature Selection with Mutual Information Measure
    Tofigh Naghibi , Sarah Hoffmann and Beat Pfister
    Section 2.3.1.

    :param f:
    :param s:
    :param MI_FS:
    :param are_data_binned:
    n, p = MI_FS.X.shape
    clean_up = True

    if MI_FS.method in ['JMI', 'JMIM']:
        if False:
            # Three-way interaction info.
            # JMI & JMIM
            if s != f:
                # Off-diagonal -- -1/2(P-1) I(X_{.s}; X_{.k}; y).
                x1 = MI_FS.X[:, f].reshape(n, 1)
                x2 = MI_FS.X[:, s].reshape(n, 1)
                y = MI_FS.y.reshape(n, 1)
                clean_up = False # No need to clean-up as the 3-way interaction info can be negative.
                if are_data_binned:
                    if MI_FS.categorical:
                        MI = mico_utils.get_interaction_information_3way(x1, x2, y, "ddd", k) * offdiagonal_param
                        MI = mico_utils.get_interaction_information_3way(x1, x2, y, "ddc", k) * offdiagonal_param
                    if MI_FS.categorical:
                        MI = mico_utils.get_interaction_information_3way(x1, x2, y, "ccd", k) * offdiagonal_param
                        MI = mico_utils.get_interaction_information_3way(x1, x2, y, "ccc", k) * offdiagonal_param
                # Diagonal -- I(X_{.s}; y).
                x = MI_FS.X[:, f].reshape(n, 1)
                y = MI_FS.y.reshape(n, 1)
                #y = MI_FS.y.flatten().reshape(n)
                if are_data_binned:
                    if MI_FS.categorical:
                        MI = mico_utils.get_mutual_information_dd(x, y)
                        MI = mico_utils.get_mutual_information_cd(y, x, k)
                        #MI = mico_utils.get_mutual_information_cd(y.reshape(n, 1), x.reshape(n), k)
                    if MI_FS.categorical:
                        MI = mico_utils.get_mutual_information_cd(x, y, k, Nx)
                        MI = mico_utils.get_mutual_information_cc(x, y, k)
            # MI
            # JMI & JMIM
            if s != f:
                # Off-diagonal.
                y = MI_FS.y.reshape(n, 1)
                #y = MI_FS.y.flatten().reshape(n, 1)
                joint = MI_FS.X[:, (s, f)]
                if are_data_binned:
                    # Encoding.
                    joint = mico_utils.encode_discrete_x(joint).reshape(n, 1)
                    if MI_FS.categorical:
                        MI = mico_utils.get_mutual_information_dd(joint, y)
                        MI = mico_utils.get_mutual_information_cd(y, joint, k)
                    if MI_FS.categorical:
                        MI = mico_utils.get_mutual_information_cd(joint, y, k, Nx)
                        MI = mico_utils.get_mutual_information_cc(joint, y, k)
                # Diagonal.
                x = MI_FS.X[:, f].reshape(n, 1)
                y = MI_FS.y.reshape(n, 1)
                #y = MI_FS.y.flatten().reshape(n)
                if are_data_binned:
                    if MI_FS.categorical:
                        MI = mico_utils.get_mutual_information_dd(x, y)
                        MI = mico_utils.get_mutual_information_cd(y, x, k)
                    if MI_FS.categorical:
                        MI = mico_utils.get_mutual_information_cd(x, y, k, Nx)
                        MI = mico_utils.get_mutual_information_cc(x, y, k)
        # MRMR
        if s != f:
            # Off-diagonal -- Did not use any information  from y here.
            x1 = MI_FS.X[:, f].reshape(n, 1)
            x2 = MI_FS.X[:, s].reshape(n, 1)
            if are_data_binned:
                MI = mico_utils.get_mutual_information_dd(x1, x2) * offdiagonal_param
                MI = mico_utils.get_mutual_information_cc(x1, x2, k) * offdiagonal_param
            # Diagonal -- Did use information from y here.
            x = MI_FS.X[:, f].reshape(n, 1)
            y = MI_FS.y.reshape(n, 1)
            #y = MI_FS.y.flatten().reshape(n)
            if are_data_binned:
                if MI_FS.categorical:
                    MI = mico_utils.get_mutual_information_dd(x, y)
                    MI = mico_utils.get_mutual_information_cd(y, x, k, Nx)
                    #MI = mico_utils.get_mutual_information_cd(y.reshape(n, 1), x.reshape(n), k)
                if MI_FS.categorical:
                    MI = mico_utils.get_mutual_information_cd(x, y, k)
                    MI = mico_utils.get_mutual_information_cc(x, y, k)

    # MI must be non-negative
    if clean_up:
        MI = _clean_up_MI(MI, use_nan_for_invalid_mi)
        if s == f:
            MI = max(1.E-4, MI)

    return MI

class MutualInformationBase(BaseEstimator, SelectorMixin, metaclass=ABCMeta):
    Base class for feature selection implementation.

    This base class contains routines for selecting features implementation.


    method : string, optional (default='JMI')

        A string that specifies the mutual information measure. Possible options are:

        - **JMI** : Joint Mutual Information [1]_
        - **JMIM** : Joint Mutual Information Maximisation [2]_
        - **MRMR** : Max-Relevance Min-Redundancy [3]_

    k : int, optional (default=5)

        An integer to specify number of samples for the kernel density estimation using KNN. A small integer between 3 and 10 is recommended. Note that this parameter is applicable only if `num_bins` is set to 0.

    n_features : int or string, optional (default='auto')

        A positive integer number that specifies the number of features to be selected.
        If 'auto' is used, then this number will be determined automatically.

    categorical : boolean, optional (default=True)

        If `categorical` is `True`, then the dependent variable is assumed to be a categorical class label. Otherwise, the dependent variable is assumed to be a continuous variable.

    n_jobs : int, optional (default=1)

        The number of threads allowed for the computations. If `n_jobs` :math:`<= 0`, then it will be determined internally.

    verbose : int, optional (default=0)

        An integer number to specify the verbosity level. Available options are:

        - 0: Disable output.
        - 1: Display summary results.
        - 2: Displays all results.

    scale_data : boolean, optional (default=True)

        An boolean flag that specifies if the input data input shall be scaled first.

    num_bins : int, optional (default=0)

        An integer number to specify the number of bins allowed for data binning (bucketing). If :math:`0`, then data binning will be disabled, and KNN will be used for kernal density estimation.


    .. [1] H Yang and J Moody, "Data Visualization and Feature Selection: New Algorithms for Nongaussian Data", NIPS 1999. [`Pre-print <>`_]
    .. [2] M Bennasar, Y Hicks, abd R Setchi, "Feature selection using Joint Mutual Information Maximisation", Expert Systems with Applications, 42(22), pp. 8520--8532, 2015 [`pre-print <>`_]
    .. [3] H Peng, F Long, and C Ding, "Feature selection based on mutual information criteria of max-dependency, max-relevance, and min-redundancy", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 27(8), pp. 1226--1238, 2005. [`Pre-print <>`_]
    def __init__(self,
        self.method = method
        self.k = k
        self.n_features = n_features
        self.categorical = categorical
        self.n_jobs = n_jobs
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.scale_data = scale_data
        self.num_bins = num_bins
        self._support_mask = None
        # Check if n_jobs is negative
        if self.n_jobs <= 0:
            self.n_jobs = cpu_count()

        # Logger.
        #instance = get_time_stamp()
        #filename = "./log/{}.log".format(instance)
        filename = None

        if self.verbose == 0:
            lv = logging.CRITICAL
        elif self.verbose == 1:
            lv = logging.INFO
            lv = logging.DEBUG
        setup_logging(level=lv, filename=filename)

    def _get_support_mask(self):
        if self._support_mask is None:
            raise ValueError('mRMR has not been fitted yet!')
        return self._support_mask

    def _scale_data(sefl, X):
        Scale each column of the data using SKL.

        Shall we ignore binning the encoded features and discrete features?

        from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler, StandardScaler, MaxAbsScaler

        # X must be stored in a row-wise order.
        if sparse.issparse(X):
            scalar = MaxAbsScaler()
            scalar = MinMaxScaler()  # MinMaxScaler() # StandardScaler

        return scalar.fit_transform(X)

    def _bin_data(sefl, X, num_bins):
        Bin the data using SKL.
        # X must be stored in a row-wise order.
        from sklearn.preprocessing import KBinsDiscretizer

        if type(num_bins) is int:
            # bin_set = [ min(num_bins, len(array))]
            # @todo Check unique value in each feature.
            bin_set = [num_bins for _ in range(X.shape[1])]
            bin_set = num_bins

        est = KBinsDiscretizer(n_bins=bin_set, encode='ordinal', strategy='uniform').fit(X)

        return est.transform(X)

    def _are_data_binned(self):
        return self.num_bins > 0

    def _is_integer(self, x):
        return np.all(np.equal(np.mod(x, 1), 0))

    def _init_data(self, X, y):
        # checking input data and scaling it if y is continuous
        X, y = check_X_y(X, y)

        if not self.categorical:
            ss = StandardScaler()
            X = ss.fit_transform(X)
            y = ss.fit_transform(y.reshape(-1, 1))

        # Bin the data if needed.
        if self.num_bins > 0:
  "Started binning data.")
            X = self._bin_data(X, self.num_bins)
            self.num_bins = 0
        # Scale the data if needed.
        if self.scale_data:
  "Started scaling data.")
            X = self._scale_data(X)

        # sanity checks
        methods = ['JMI', 'JMIM', 'MRMR']
        if self.method not in methods:
            raise ValueError('Please choose one of the following methods:\n' +

        if not isinstance(self.k, int):
            raise ValueError("k must be an integer.")
        if self.k < 1:
            raise ValueError('k must be larger than 0.')
        if self.categorical and np.any(self.k > np.bincount(y)):
            raise ValueError('k must be smaller than your smallest class.')

        if not isinstance(self.categorical, bool):
            raise ValueError('Categorical must be Boolean.')
        if self.categorical and np.unique(y).shape[0] > 5:
            logging.warning('Are you sure y is categorical? It has more than 5 levels.')
        if not self.categorical and self._is_integer(y):
            logging.warning('Are you sure y is continuous? It seems to be discrete.')
        if self._is_integer(X):
            logging.warning('The values of X seem to be discrete. MI_FS will treat them as continuous.')

        return X, y

    def _add_remove(self, S, F, i):
        Helper function: removes ith element from F and adds it to S.

        return S, F

    def _remove(self, S, i):
        Helper function: removes ith element from F and adds it to S.

        return S

    def _calc_xQx(self, Q, curr_soln):
        score = 0
        n = Q.shape[0]
        for i in range(n):
            if curr_soln[i] > 0:
                for j in range(n):
                    if curr_soln[j] > 0 and not np.isnan(Q[i, j]):
                        score += Q[i, j]

        return score

    def _convert_idx_array_to_mask_array(self, idx_array, n):
        mask_array = np.zeros(n, dtype=int)
        mask_array[idx_array] = 1
        return mask_array

    def _convert_mask_array_to_idx_array(self, mask_array):
        return np.where(mask_array)

    def _generate_feature_importances(self, best_soln, Q, num_features):
        feature_importances = []
        require_clean_run = False
        best_soln_binary = self._convert_idx_array_to_mask_array(best_soln, num_features)
        best_score = self._calc_xQx(Q, best_soln_binary)

        for i in range(len(best_soln_binary)):
            if best_soln_binary[i] == 1:
                # Remove the feature and recalculate the score.
                best_soln_binary[i] = 0
                curr_score = self._calc_xQx(Q, best_soln_binary)
                diff_score = best_score - curr_score
                best_soln_binary[i] = 1
                if diff_score < 0:
          "Warning: Feature {} has negative score {1}".format(i, diff_score))
                    best_soln_binary[i] = 0
                    require_clean_run = True

        if require_clean_run:
            best_soln = self._convert_mask_array_to_idx_array(best_soln_binary)
            best_score = self._calc_xQx(Q, best_soln_binary)

        # Normalize and rank.
        if sum(feature_importances) <= 0:
            raise ValueError("Failed: all features have zero importance score. Try using a smaller value for parameter k.")
        feature_importances = feature_importances / sum(feature_importances)
        feature_raking = list(map(int, rankdata(-feature_importances)))

        return best_soln, best_score, feature_importances, feature_raking

[docs]class MutualInformationForwardSelection(MutualInformationBase): """ Forward selection approach for feature selection. This class implements a forward selection approach for feature selection with mutual information (MI) measure. Parameters ---------- method : string, optional (default='JMI') A string that specifies the mutual information measure. Possible options are: - **JMI** : Joint Mutual Information [1]_ - **JMIM** : Joint Mutual Information Maximisation [2]_ - **MRMR** : Max-Relevance Min-Redundancy [3]_ k : int, optional (default=5) An integer to specify number of samples for the kernel density estimation using KNN. A small integer between 3 and 10 is recommended. Note that this parameter is applicable only if `num_bins` is set to 0. n_features : int or string, optional (default='auto') A positive integer number that specifies the number of features to be selected. If 'auto' is used, then this number will be determined automatically. categorical : boolean, optional (default=True) If `categorical` is `True`, then the dependent variable is assumed to be a categorical class label. Otherwise, the dependent variable is assumed to be a continuous variable. n_jobs : int, optional (default=1) The number of threads allowed for the computations. If `n_jobs` :math:`<= 0`, then it will be determined internally. verbose : int, optional (default=0) An integer number to specify the verbosity level. Available options are: - 0: Disable output. - 1: Display summary results. - 2: Displays all results. scale_data : boolean, optional (default=True) An boolean flag that specifies if the input data input shall be scaled first. num_bins : int, optional (default=0) An integer number to specify the number of bins allowed for data binning (bucketing). If :math:`0`, then data binning will be disabled, and KNN will be used for kernal density estimation. early_stop_steps : int, optional (default=10) An positive integer to specify the iteration limit allowed without improvement on the MI measure. Attributes ---------- n_features_ : int The number of selected features. feature_importances_ : array of shape n_features The feature importance scores of the selected features. ranking_ : array of shape n_features The feature ranking of the selected features, with the first being the first feature selected with largest marginal MI with y, followed by the others with decreasing MI. mi_ : array of shape n_features The MI measure of the selected features. Usually this a monotone decreasing array of numbers converging to 0. One can use this to estimate the number of features to select. In fact this is what n_features='auto' tries to do heuristically. Examples -------- This implementation follows the scikit-learn API convention: - ``fit(X, y)`` - ``transform(X)`` - ``fit_transform(X, y)`` References ---------- .. [1] H Yang and J Moody, "Data Visualization and Feature Selection: New Algorithms for Nongaussian Data", NIPS 1999. [`Pre-print <>`_] .. [2] M Bennasar, Y Hicks, abd R Setchi, "Feature selection using Joint Mutual Information Maximisation", Expert Systems with Applications, 42(22), pp. 8520--8532, 2015 [`pre-print <>`_] .. [3] H Peng, F Long, and C Ding, "Feature selection based on mutual information criteria of max-dependency, max-relevance, and min-redundancy", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 27(8), pp. 1226--1238, 2005. [`Pre-print <>`_] """ def __init__(self, method='JMI', k=5, n_features='auto', categorical=True, n_jobs=0, verbose=0, scale_data=True, num_bins=0, early_stop_steps=10): # Call base constructor. super(MutualInformationForwardSelection, self).__init__( method, k, n_features, categorical, n_jobs, verbose, scale_data, num_bins) self.early_stop_steps = early_stop_steps # Attributes. self.n_features_ = 0 self.feature_importances_ = [] self.ranking_ = [] self.mi_ = []
[docs] def fit(self, X, y): """ Fits the MI_FS feature selection with the chosen MI_FS method. Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features] The training input samples. y : array-like, shape = [n_samples] The target values. """ self.X, y = self._init_data(X, y) n, p = X.shape num_features = p self.y = y.reshape((n, 1)) # list of selected features S = [] # list of all features F = list(range(p)) # Calculate max features if self.n_features == 'auto': n_features = p else: n_features = min(p, self.n_features) feature_mi_matrix = np.zeros((n_features, p)) feature_mi_matrix[:] = np.nan S_mi = [] # Populate information. self._print_init_result() #-------------------------------------------------------------------# # Find first feature # #-------------------------------------------------------------------# xy_MI = np.array(get_first_mi_vector(self, self.k, self._are_data_binned(), n_jobs=1)) xy_MI = _replace_vec_nan_with_zero(xy_MI) if sum(xy_MI) <= 0: logging.warning("Warning: The first MI are all zeros. Try using a different value of k.") # choose the best, add it to S, remove it from F selected = bn.nanargmax(xy_MI) S, F = self._add_remove(S, F, selected) S_mi.append(selected) # Populate information. self._print_curr_result(S, selected, S_mi) self.ranking_.append(selected) #-------------------------------------------------------------------# # Find Subsequent features # #-------------------------------------------------------------------# while len(S) < n_features: # loop through the remaining unselected features and calculate MI s = len(S) - 1 feature_mi_matrix[s, F] = get_mi_vector(self, self.k, F, S[-1], self._are_data_binned(), n_jobs=1) # make decision based on the chosen FS algorithm fmm = feature_mi_matrix[:len(S), F] if self.method == 'JMI': JMI = bn.nansum(fmm, axis=0) selected = F[bn.nanargmax(JMI)] S_mi.append(bn.nanmax(JMI)) elif self.method == 'JMIM': JMIM = bn.nanmin(fmm, axis=0) if bn.allnan(JMIM): break selected = F[bn.nanargmax(JMIM)] S_mi.append(bn.nanmax(JMIM)) elif self.method == 'MRMR': if bn.allnan(bn.nanmean(fmm, axis=0)): break MRMR = xy_MI[F] - bn.nanmean(fmm, axis=0) selected = F[bn.nanargmax(MRMR)] S_mi.append(bn.nanmax(MRMR)) # record the newly selected feature and add it to S. S, F = self._add_remove(S, F, selected) self.ranking_.append(selected) # Populate information. self._print_curr_result(S, selected, S_mi) # Perform early stops. if self.n_features == 'auto' and \ (self.early_stop_steps > 0 and len(S) > self.early_stop_steps): # smooth the 1st derivative of the MI values of previously sel MI_dd = signal.savgol_filter(S_mi[1:], 9, 2, 1) # does the mean of the last 5 converge to 0? if np.abs(np.mean(MI_dd[-5:])) < 1e-3: break S = sorted(S) #-------------------------------------------------------------------# # Calculate final MIs # #-------------------------------------------------------------------#"Started calculating final MI matrix.") num_features_S = len(S) feature_mi_matrix = np.zeros((p, p)) feature_mi_matrix[:] = np.nan if True: # Parallelize the outer loop - faster. feature_mi_matrix_partial_tri = Parallel(n_jobs=self.n_jobs)(delayed(get_mi_vector)( self, self.k, S[i:], s, self._are_data_binned(), n_jobs=1) for i, s in enumerate(S)) # Get the MI matrix. for i in range(num_features_S): for j in range(i, num_features_S): feature_mi_matrix[S[i], S[j]] = feature_mi_matrix_partial_tri[i][j - i] if i != j: feature_mi_matrix[S[j], S[i]] = feature_mi_matrix[S[i], S[j]] else: # Parallelize the inner loop - slower. all_S = list(range(p)) for s in all_S: feature_mi_matrix[s, all_S] = get_mi_vector(self, self.k, all_S, s, self._are_data_binned(), n_jobs=self.n_jobs) # Ensure the MI matrix is symmetric. feature_mi_matrix = mico_utils.make_mat_sym(feature_mi_matrix) #-------------------------------------------------------------------# # Generate feature importance scores. # #-------------------------------------------------------------------# S, best_score, feature_importances, feature_raking = \ self._generate_feature_importances(best_soln=S, Q=feature_mi_matrix, num_features=num_features) #-------------------------------------------------------------------# # Save results # #-------------------------------------------------------------------# num_features_sel = n_features self.n_features_ = len(S) self.feature_importances_ = feature_importances self._support_mask = np.zeros(p, dtype=np.bool) self._support_mask[S] = True self.mi_ = S_mi self._print_end_result(num_features_sel=num_features_sel, num_features=num_features, best_soln=S) return self
def _print_init_result(self):"Started MIFS.")" - Method : {}".format(self.method))" - Num. threads : {}".format(self.n_jobs))" - Num. features : {}".format(self.n_features))"{0:>5}{1:>5}{2:15}".format("Iter", "Sel", " Current MI")) def _print_curr_result(self, S, selected, MIs):"{0:>5}{1:>5}{2:+14.6E}".format(len(S), selected, MIs[-1])) def _print_end_result(self, num_features_sel, num_features, best_soln):"Done MIFS.")" - Total feat. : {}".format(num_features))" - Target feat. : {}".format(num_features_sel))" - Actual feat. : {}".format(len(best_soln)))
[docs]class MutualInformationBackwardElimination(MutualInformationBase): """ Backward elimination approach for feature selection. This class implements a backward selection approach for feature selection with mutual information (MI) measure. Parameters ---------- method : string, optional (default='JMI') A string that specifies the mutual information measure. Possible options are: - **JMI** : Joint Mutual Information [1]_ - **JMIM** : Joint Mutual Information Maximisation [2]_ - **MRMR** : Max-Relevance Min-Redundancy [3]_ k : int, optional (default=5) An integer to specify number of samples for the kernel density estimation using KNN. A small integer between 3 and 10 is recommended. Note that this parameter is applicable only if `num_bins` is set to 0. n_features : int or string, optional (default='auto') A positive integer number that specifies the number of features to be selected. If 'auto' is used, then this number will be determined automatically. categorical : boolean, optional (default=True) If `categorical` is `True`, then the dependent variable is assumed to be a categorical class label. Otherwise, the dependent variable is assumed to be a continuous variable. n_jobs : int, optional (default=1) The number of threads allowed for the computations. If `n_jobs` :math:`<= 0`, then it will be determined internally. verbose : int, optional (default=0) An integer number to specify the verbosity level. Available options are: - 0: Disable output. - 1: Display summary results. - 2: Displays all results. scale_data : boolean, optional (default=True) An boolean flag that specifies if the input data input shall be scaled first. num_bins : int, optional (default=0) An integer number to specify the number of bins allowed for data binning (bucketing). If :math:`0`, then data binning will be disabled, and KNN will be used for kernal density estimation. Attributes ---------- n_features_ : int The number of selected features. feature_importances_ : array of shape n_features The feature importance scores of the selected features. ranking_ : array of shape n_features The feature ranking of the selected features, with the first being the first feature selected with largest marginal MI with y, followed by the others with decreasing MI. mi_ : array of shape n_features The MI measure of the selected features. Usually this a monotone decreasing array of numbers converging to 0. One can use this to estimate the number of features to select. In fact this is what n_features='auto' tries to do heuristically. Examples -------- This implementation follows the scikit-learn API convention: - ``fit(X, y)`` - ``transform(X)`` - ``fit_transform(X, y)`` References ---------- .. [1] H Yang and J Moody, "Data Visualization and Feature Selection: New Algorithms for Nongaussian Data", NIPS 1999. [`Pre-print <>`_] .. [2] M Bennasar, Y Hicks, abd R Setchi, "Feature selection using Joint Mutual Information Maximisation", Expert Systems with Applications, 42(22), pp. 8520--8532, 2015 [`pre-print <>`_] .. [3] H Peng, F Long, and C Ding, "Feature selection based on mutual information criteria of max-dependency, max-relevance, and min-redundancy", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 27(8), pp. 1226--1238, 2005. [`Pre-print <>`_] """ def __init__(self, method='JMI', k=5, n_features='auto', categorical=True, n_jobs=0, verbose=0, scale_data=True, num_bins=0): # Call base constructor. super(MutualInformationBackwardElimination, self).__init__( method, k, n_features, categorical, n_jobs, verbose, scale_data, num_bins) # Deprecated. self.early_stop_steps = 0 # Attributes. self.n_features_ = 0 self.feature_importances_ = []
[docs] def fit(self, X, y): """ Fits the MI_FS feature selection with the chosen MI_FS method. Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features] The training input samples. y : array-like, shape = [n_samples] The target values. """ self.X, y = self._init_data(X, y) n, p = X.shape num_features = p self.y = y.reshape(n, 1) # list of selected features S = list(range(p)) # Calculate max features. if self.n_features == 'auto': n_features = int(p * 0.2) else: n_features = min(p, self.n_features) feature_mi_matrix = np.zeros((p, p)) feature_mi_matrix[:] = np.nan S_mi = [] # Populate information. self._print_init_result() #-------------------------------------------------------------------# # Calculate full MIs # #-------------------------------------------------------------------#"Started calculating full MI matrix.") if self.method == 'MRMR': xy_MI = np.array(get_first_mi_vector(self, self.k, self._are_data_binned(), n_jobs=1)) xy_MI = _replace_vec_nan_with_zero(xy_MI) if True: # Parallelize the outer loop - faster. feature_mi_matrix_tri = Parallel(n_jobs=self.n_jobs)(delayed(get_mi_vector)( self, self.k, list(range(i, num_features, 1)), s, self._are_data_binned(), n_jobs=1) for i, s in enumerate(S)) for i, s in enumerate(S): feature_mi_matrix[s, list(range(i, num_features, 1))] = feature_mi_matrix_tri[s] # Ensure the MI matrix is symmetric. for i in range(num_features): for j in range(i + 1, num_features): feature_mi_matrix[j, i] = feature_mi_matrix[i, j] else: # Parallelize the inner loop - slower. for s in S: feature_mi_matrix[s, S] = get_mi_vector(self, self.k, S, s, self._are_data_binned(), n_jobs=self.n_jobs) # Ensure the MI matrix is symmetric. feature_mi_matrix = mico_utils.make_mat_sym(feature_mi_matrix) #-------------------------------------------------------------------# # Find subsequent features # #-------------------------------------------------------------------#"Started backward selection.") while len(S) >= n_features + 1: fmm = np.zeros((len(S) - 1, len(S))) # make decision based on the chosen FS algorithm for i, s_remove in enumerate(S): S_keep = copy.deepcopy(S) S_keep.pop(i) fmm[:, i] = feature_mi_matrix[S_keep, s_remove] if bn.allnan(fmm[:, i]): fmm[:, i] = [0 for _ in range(fmm.shape[0])] logging.warning("Feature [{0}] has all 0 MI.".format(i)) if self.method == 'JMI': values = bn.nansum(fmm, axis=0) removed_feature = S[bn.nanargmin(values)] S_mi.append(bn.nanmin(values)) elif self.method == 'JMIM': values = bn.nanmin(fmm, axis=0) if bn.allnan(values): break removed_feature = S[bn.nanargmin(values)] S_mi.append(bn.nanmin(values)) elif self.method == 'MRMR': if bn.allnan(bn.nanmean(fmm, axis=0)): break values = xy_MI[S] - bn.nanmean(fmm, axis=0) removed_feature = S[bn.nanargmin(values)] S_mi.append(bn.nanmin(values)) # Update removed_feature feature list. S = self._remove(S, removed_feature) # Populate information. self._print_curr_result(S, removed_feature, S_mi) # if n_features == 'auto', let's check the S_mi to stop # Deprecated. if False and self.n_features == 'auto' and \ (self.early_stop_steps > 0 and p - len(S) > self.early_stop_steps): # smooth the 1st derivative of the MI values of previously sel MI_dd = signal.savgol_filter(S_mi[1:], 9, 2, 1) # does the mean of the last 5 converge to 0? if np.abs(np.mean(MI_dd[-5:])) < 1e-3:"Early stopping criteria reached.") break S = sorted(S) #-------------------------------------------------------------------# # Generate feature importance scores. # #-------------------------------------------------------------------# S, best_score, feature_importances, feature_raking = \ self._generate_feature_importances(best_soln=S, Q=feature_mi_matrix, num_features=num_features) #-------------------------------------------------------------------# # Save results # #-------------------------------------------------------------------# num_features_sel = n_features self.n_features_ = len(S) self.feature_importances_ = feature_importances self._support_mask = np.zeros(p, dtype=np.bool) self._support_mask[S] = True #self.mi_ = S_mi self._print_end_result(num_features_sel=num_features_sel, num_features=num_features, best_soln=S) return self
def _print_init_result(self):"Started MIBS.")" - Method : {}".format(self.method))" - Num. threads : {}".format(self.n_jobs))" - Num. features : {}".format(self.n_features))"{0:>5}{1:>5}{2:15}".format("Iter", "Rmv", " Current MI")) def _print_curr_result(self, S, selected, MIs):"{0:>5}{1:>5}{2:+14.6E}".format(len(S), selected, MIs[-1])) def _print_end_result(self, num_features_sel, num_features, best_soln):"Done MIBS.")" - Total feat. : {}".format(num_features))" - Target feat. : {}".format(num_features_sel))" - Actual feat. : {}".format(len(best_soln)))
[docs]class MutualInformationConicOptimization(MutualInformationBase): """ Conic optimization approach for feature selection. This class implements a conic optimization based feature selection method with mutual information (MI) measure [1]_. This idea is to formulate the selection problem as a pure-binary quadratic optimization problem, which can be heuristically solved by an efficient randomization algorithm via semidefinite programming [2]_. Optimization software **Colin** [6]_ is used for solving the underlying conic optimization problems. Parameters ---------- method : string, optional (default='JMI') A string that specifies the mutual information measure. Possible options are: - **JMI** : Joint Mutual Information [3]_ - **JMIM** : Joint Mutual Information Maximisation [4]_ - **MRMR** : Max-Relevance Min-Redundancy [5]_ k : int, optional (default=5) An integer to specify number of samples for the kernel density estimation using KNN. A small integer between 3 and 10 is recommended. Note that this parameter is applicable only if `num_bins` is set to 0. n_features : int or string, optional (default='auto') A positive integer number that specifies the number of features to be selected. If 'auto' is used, then this number will be determined automatically. categorical : boolean, optional (default=True) If `categorical` is `True`, then the dependent variable is assumed to be a categorical class label. Otherwise, the dependent variable is assumed to be a continuous variable. n_jobs : int, optional (default=1) The number of threads allowed for the computations. If `n_jobs` :math:`<= 0`, then it will be determined internally. verbose : int, optional (default=0) An integer number to specify the verbosity level. Available options are: - 0: Disable output. - 1: Display summary results. - 2: Displays all results. scale_data : boolean, optional (default=True) An boolean flag that specifies if the input data input shall be scaled first. num_bins : int, optional (default=0) An integer number to specify the number of bins allowed for data binning (bucketing). If :math:`0`, then data binning will be disabled, and KNN will be used for kernal density estimation. random_state : int, optional (default=0) An integer number that specifies the random seed number. max_roundings : int, optional (default=0) An positive integer to specify the number of iterations allowed for the rounding solution process in [2]_. If `max_roundings` is 0, then this number will be determined internally. Attributes ---------- n_features_ : int The number of selected features. feature_importances_ : array of shape n_features The feature importance scores of the selected features. Examples -------- This implementation follows the scikit-learn API convention: - ``fit(X, y)`` - ``transform(X)`` - ``fit_transform(X, y)`` References ---------- .. [1] T Naghibi, S Hoffmann and B Pfister, "A semidefinite programming based search strategy for feature selection with mutual information measure", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 37(8), pp. 1529--1541, 2015. [`Pre-print <>`_] .. [2] M Goemans and D Williamson, "Improved approximation algorithms for maximum cut and satisfiability problems using semidefinite programming", J. ACM, 42(6), pp. 1115--1145, 1995 [`Pre-print <>`_] .. [3] H Yang and J Moody, "Data Visualization and Feature Selection: New Algorithms for Nongaussian Data", NIPS 1999. [`Pre-print <>`_] .. [4] M Bennasar, Y Hicks, abd R Setchi, "Feature selection using Joint Mutual Information Maximisation", Expert Systems with Applications, 42(22), pp. 8520--8532, 2015 [`pre-print <>`_] .. [5] H Peng, F Long, and C Ding, "Feature selection based on mutual information criteria of max-dependency, max-relevance, and min-redundancy", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 27(8), pp. 1226--1238, 2005. [`Pre-print <>`_] .. [6] Colin: Conic-form Linear Optimizer (` <>`_). """ def __init__(self, method='JMI', k=5, n_features='auto', categorical=True, n_jobs=0, verbose=0, scale_data=True, num_bins=0, random_state=0, max_roundings=0): # Call base constructor. super(MutualInformationConicOptimization, self).__init__( method, k, n_features, categorical, n_jobs, verbose, scale_data, num_bins) self.random_state = random_state self.max_roundings = max_roundings # Attributes. self.n_features_ = 0 self.feature_importances_ = []
[docs] def fit(self, X, y): """ Fits the feature selection with conic optimization approach. Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features] The training input samples. y : array-like, shape = [n_samples] The target values. """ # Colin import colinpy #from colinpy import * from colinpy import ClnModel, ClnError #-------------------------------------------------------------------# # Initialize the parameters. # #-------------------------------------------------------------------# self.X, y = self._init_data(X, y) n, num_features = X.shape self.y = y.reshape(n, 1) # list of features S = list(range(num_features)) #-------------------------------------------------------------------# # Create the MI matrix. # #-------------------------------------------------------------------# # Notation: # - N : num_features # - P : num_features_sel Q = np.zeros((num_features, num_features)) Q[:] = 0.0 # Calculate number of the selected features and the parameter. if self.n_features == 'auto': num_features_sel = min(1000, max(1, num_features * 0.2)) else: num_features_sel = min(num_features, self.n_features) offdiagonal_param = -0.5 / (num_features_sel - 1) # Calculate the number of rounding iterations. if self.max_roundings <= 0: self.max_roundings = num_features_sel # Populate info. self._print_init_result(num_features_sel, num_features, offdiagonal_param) # Calculate the MI matrix."Started calculating full MI matrix.") if self.categorical: Nx = [] classes = np.unique(y) sum_y = {} for yi in classes: sum_y[yi] = np.sum(y == yi) for yi in y.flatten(): Nx.append(sum_y[yi]) if True: # Parallelize the outer loop - faster. Qtri = Parallel(n_jobs=self.n_jobs)(delayed(get_mico_vector)( self, self.k, list(range(i, num_features, 1)), s, offdiagonal_param, self._are_data_binned(), Nx if self.categorical else None, 1 ) for i, s in enumerate(S)) for i, s in enumerate(S): Q[s, list(range(i, num_features, 1))] = Qtri[s] else: # Parallelize the outer loop - slower. for i, s in enumerate(S): S2 = list(range(i, num_features, 1)) Q[s, S2] = get_mico_vector(self, self.k, S2, s, offdiagonal_param, self._are_data_binned(), Nx if self.categorical else None, self.n_jobs) # Ensure the MI matrix is symmetric. for i in range(num_features): for j in range(i + 1, num_features): Q[j, i] = Q[i, j] # Calculate Q^T e. QTe = np.zeros(num_features) for s in S: QTe[s] = Q[s, :].sum() assert(QTe[s] == Q[:, s].sum()) # Create Q^u matrix. # The first row/column is the auxiliary variable. Qu = np.zeros((num_features + 1, num_features + 1)) Qu[0, 0] = 0.0 Qu[1:(num_features + 1), 1:(num_features + 1)] = Q Qu[0, 1:(num_features + 1)] = QTe Qu[1:(num_features + 1), 0] = QTe #-------------------------------------------------------------------# # Input optimization model. # # # # See # # A Semidefinite Programming Based Search Strategy for Feature # # Selection with Mutual Information Measure, Eq (26) # #-------------------------------------------------------------------#"Started creating semidefinite optimization model.") def map_ij_to_k(i, j, size): return i * size + j def map_k_to_ij(k, size): return int(k/size), int(k%size) # Cone information. semidefinite_cone = list(range((num_features + 1) * (num_features + 1))) # Constraint 1. row1_idx = [] row1_val = [] for i in range(1, num_features + 1): for j in range(1, num_features + 1): row1_idx += [map_ij_to_k(i, j, num_features + 1)] row1_val += [1.0] row1_rhs = (2.0 * num_features_sel - num_features) ** 2 # Constraint 2. row2_idx = [] row2_val = [] for i in range(1, num_features + 1): row2_idx += [map_ij_to_k(0, i, num_features + 1)] row2_val += [1.0] for i in range(1, num_features + 1): row2_idx += [map_ij_to_k(i, 0, num_features + 1)] row2_val += [1.0] row2_rhs = 2.0 * (2.0 * num_features_sel - num_features) # Model. CLN_INFINITY = ClnModel.get_infinity() model = ClnModel() try: # Step 1. Create a model and change the parameters. # Create an empty model. model.create_mdl() # Set parameters. model.set_ipa("Model/Verbose", 3 if self.verbose >= 2 else self.verbose) model.set_ipa("Model/Presolver/PresolveLv", 1) model.set_ipa("Ips/Solver/NumThreads", self.n_jobs) model.set_ipa("Ips/Solver/Type", 2) # Step 2. Input model. # Change to maximization problem. model.set_max_obj_sense() # Add variables. # One semidefinite block. for i in range(0, num_features + 1): for j in range(0, num_features + 1): model.add_col(-CLN_INFINITY, CLN_INFINITY, Qu[i, j], [], []) # Add constraints. # - Cnstraint 1: # \sum_{i,j}^N Y_{ij} = (2P - N)^2. model.add_row(row1_rhs, row1_rhs, row1_idx, row1_val) # - Constraint 2: # \sum_{i}^N Y_{i0} + \sum_{i}^N Y_{0i} = 2 * (2P - N). model.add_row(row2_rhs, row2_rhs, row2_idx, row2_val) # - Constraint 3: # diag(Y) = e. for i in range(0, num_features + 1): model.add_row(1.0, 1.0, [map_ij_to_k(i, i, num_features + 1)], [1.0]) # - Add semidefinite conic constraint. model.add_semi_definite_cone(semidefinite_cone) # Step 3. Solve the problem and populate the result. # Solve the problem. model.solve_prob() if not model.has_solution(): logging.warning("Resolving the problem again.") model.set_ipa("Ips/Solver/Type", 3) model.solve_prob() except ClnError as e: logging.error("Received Colin exception.") logging.error(" - Explanation : {}".format(e.message)) logging.error(" - Code : {}".format(e.code)) except Exception as e: logging.error("Received exception.") logging.error(" - Explanation : {}".format(e)) finally: # Step 4. Display the result and free the model. if self.verbose >= 1: model.display_results() # Retrieve result code, optimization status, and solution status. result = int(model.get_solver_result()) opt_status = model.get_solver_opt_status() sol_status = model.get_solver_sol_status() has_solution = model.has_solution() # Note: Non-optimal status (ENM_OPT_STATUS_OPTIMAL). make_dir("./log/") if opt_status != 1: if has_solution: # TODO Support SDP in LP/MPS output. # Can continue. logging.warning("Colin failed to solve the problem to optimality, but at least a primal solution is available.") instance = get_time_stamp() filename = "./log/warn_code_{0}_time_{1}.lp".format(opt_status, instance) #model.write_prob(filename) else: # Cannot continue. instance = get_time_stamp() filename = "./log/err_code_{0}_time_{1}.lp".format(opt_status, instance) #model.write_prob(filename) msg = "Colin failed to solve the problem to optimality. Terminated." logging.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg)" - Result : {0} ({1})".format(model.explain_result(result), result))" - Opt status : {0} ({1})".format(model.explain_opt_status(opt_status), opt_status))" - Sol status : {0} ({1})".format(model.explain_sol_status(sol_status), sol_status))" - Has solution : {0}".format(has_solution)) else:"Colin solved the problem to optimality.") if has_solution: prim_soln = model.get_prim_soln() model.free_mdl() # Create covariance matrix."Started generating covariance matrix.") mean_vec = np.zeros(num_features + 1) cov_mat = [] for i in range(0, num_features + 1): for j in range(0, num_features + 1): cov_mat.append(prim_soln[map_ij_to_k(i, j, num_features + 1)]) #cov_mat = list(map(lambda x : round(x, 4), cov_mat)) #print(cov_mat) # Perturbation. for k in range(0, (num_features + 1) * (num_features + 1)): i, j = map_k_to_ij(k, num_features + 1) if i == j: # Add eps to diagonal. pass cov_mat[k] += 1.E-4 cov_mat = np.matrix(cov_mat).reshape((num_features + 1), (num_features + 1)) #print("cov_mat", cov_mat) # Rounding solution. best_diff = math.inf best_score = -math.inf best_soln = [] pdf = stats.multivariate_normal(mean_vec, cov_mat) num_roundings = 0 if DEBUG: print("Primal soln: {}".format(prim_soln)) dbg_opt_val = 0 for i in range(0, num_features + 1): for j in range(0, num_features + 1): dbg_opt_val += prim_soln[i * (num_features + 1) + j] * Qu[i, j] print("Obj: {}", dbg_opt_val) for i in range(0, num_features + 1): print(Qu[i, 0:(num_features + 1)])"Started rounding process.")" - Max roundings : {}".format(self.max_roundings))"{0:>5}{1:>5}{2:15}".format("Iter", "Diff", " ObjValue")) seed = self.random_state while num_roundings < self.max_roundings: sampled_pt = pdf.rvs(1, random_state=seed) seed += 1 ref_pt = sampled_pt[0] if abs(ref_pt) < 0.1: #print("ref_pt", ref_pt) continue # Solution rounding. if ref_pt >= 0: curr_soln = [i for i, e in enumerate(sampled_pt[1:len(sampled_pt)]) if e >= 0] else: curr_soln = [i for i, e in enumerate(sampled_pt[1:len(sampled_pt)]) if e <= 0] curr_soln_binary = self._convert_idx_array_to_mask_array(curr_soln, num_features) msg = "" if True: # Calculate feature difference. curr_features_sel = np.sum(curr_soln_binary) curr_diff = abs(curr_features_sel - num_features_sel) curr_score = self._calc_xQx(Q, curr_soln_binary) # Update statistics. if curr_diff < best_diff: best_diff = curr_diff best_score = curr_score best_soln = curr_soln msg += "*" elif curr_diff == best_diff and best_diff == 0: # Check objective value. # Update statistics. if curr_score > best_score: best_score = curr_score best_soln = curr_soln msg += "**" else: # Calculate the score. curr_score = self._calc_xQx(Q, curr_soln_binary) # Update statistics. if curr_score > best_score or best_score == -math.inf: best_score = curr_score best_soln = curr_soln msg += "*" # Populate information. num_roundings += 1"{0:>5}{1:>5}{2:+14.6E} {3}".format(num_roundings, int(curr_diff), curr_score, msg)) #-------------------------------------------------------------------# # Generate feature importance scores. # #-------------------------------------------------------------------# best_soln, best_score, feature_importances, feature_raking = \ self._generate_feature_importances(best_soln, Q, num_features) #-------------------------------------------------------------------# # Save results # #-------------------------------------------------------------------# self.n_features_ = len(best_soln) self.feature_importances_ = feature_importances self._support_mask = np.zeros(num_features, dtype=np.bool) self._support_mask[best_soln] = True self._print_end_result(num_features_sel, num_features, best_soln) return self
def _print_init_result(self, num_features_sel, num_features, offdiagonal_param):"Started MICO.")" - Method : {}".format(self.method))" - Num. threads : {}".format(self.n_jobs))" - Tot. features : {}".format(num_features))" - Sel. features : {}".format(num_features_sel))" - Off-diag param: {}".format(offdiagonal_param)) def _print_end_result(self, num_features_sel, num_features, best_soln):"Done MICO.")" - Total feat. : {}".format(num_features))" - Target feat. : {}".format(num_features_sel))" - Actual feat. : {}".format(len(best_soln)))
def test_mi(): import pandas as pd import numpy as np from pyitlib import discrete_random_variable as drv #X = np.array((1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 2.0, 4.12, 4.123, 6.123)) #print(drv.entropy(X)) X = np.array((1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 2.0, 4.123, 4.123, 10.123, 1.1)) #print(drv.entropy(X)) #print(pd.qcut(np.array(X), 4, retbins=True)) #print(pd.qcut(np.array(X), 4, retbins=True)[1]) if False: # Test bin. print("=" * 80) print("Testing bin") print("-" * 80) num_bins = 3 # - Binned with pandas. pd_bins = pd.cut(np.array(X), num_bins, retbins=True)[1] labels = [i for i in range(num_bins)] pd_data = np.array(pd.cut(X, bins=pd_bins , labels=labels, include_lowest=True)) print("Binned with PD.") print(" - Bin : {}".format(pd_bins)) print(" - Data : {}".format(pd_data)) #print(type(pd.cut(X, bins=bins, labels=labels, include_lowest=True))) # - Binned with NP. np_bin_res = np.histogram(X, bins=num_bins) np_data = np_bin_res[0] np_bins = np_bin_res[1] print("Binned with NP.") print(" - Bin : {}".format(np_bins)) print(" - Data : {}".format(np_data)) # - Binned with SKL. X = np.array([[ -3., 5., 15 ], [ 0., 6., 14 ], [ 6., 3., 11 ], [ 16., -3.,13 ], [ 12., -3.,10 ], [ 16.4, -2.,11.2 ], [ 26., 3., 211] ] ) skl_data = bin_data(X, num_bins=3) print("Binned with SKL.") print(" - Num features : {}".format(X.shape[1])) #print(" - Bin : {}".format(pd_bins)) print(" - Data :\n {}".format(skl_data)) print("Scaled dense matrix with SKL.") den_data = scale_data(X) print(" - Num features : {}".format(den_data.shape[1])) print(" - Data :\n {}".format(den_data)) print(" - Mean :\n {}".format(den_data.mean(axis=0))) print(" - Std :\n {}".format(den_data.std(axis=0))) print("Scaled sparse matrix with SKL.") csc_data = sparse.csc_matrix(X) csr_data = csc_data.tocsr() spa_data = scale_data(csr_data) print(" - Num features : {}".format(spa_data.shape[1])) print(" - Mean :\n {}".format(spa_data.mean(axis=0))) print("=" * 80) #h = np.histogram2d(X, Y, bins=bins)[0] #print(X) #print(np.array(df['qcut4'])) #print(drv.entropy(data)) #print(np.hstack(np.array([X, X]))) def scale_data(X): """" Scale the data using SKL. References ---------- [1] """ from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler, StandardScaler, MaxAbsScaler # X must be stored in a row-wise order. if sparse.issparse(X): scalar = MaxAbsScaler() else: scalar = StandardScaler()#MinMaxScaler() # StandardScaler return scalar.fit_transform(X) def bin_data(X, num_bins): """" Bin the data using SKL. """ # X must be stored in a row-wise order. from sklearn.preprocessing import KBinsDiscretizer if type(num_bins) is int: #bin_set = [ min(num_bins, len(array))] # @todo Check unique value in each feature. bin_set = [ num_bins for i in range(X.shape[1]) ] else: bin_set = num_bins est = KBinsDiscretizer(n_bins=bin_set, encode='ordinal', strategy='uniform').fit(X) return est.transform(X) if __name__ == '__main__': test_mi()